Seminario “Understanding Glocalisation and Culture Change for Innovation and Entrepreneurship”

Se informa sobre el seminario a celebrar en la asignatura “Creación de Empresas” (impartida en inglés) de cuarto curso del Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos de la Facultad de Estudios Sociales y del Trabajo (aula 2.16).
Es un seminario organizado en el contexto del proyecto PIE 17-098 “Improving Entrepreneurship and Management learning-teaching in English: an action learning approach”, y está financiado por la Convocatoria de Acciones de la Línea 7, Acción 73 del I Plan Propio Integral de Docencia de la Universidad de Málaga (Acción Sectorial 732 –Formación para la Innovación y el Emprendimiento) del Vicerrectorado de Innovación Social y Emprendimiento.
Días 25-26/4/2018. Horario: 9:00 a 11:15 horas. Clase 2.16.
Seminario “Understanding Glocalisation and Culture Change for Innovation and Entrepreneurship”
El objetivo de esta actividad es introducir a los alumnos en aspectos relevantes de la globalización y la innovación para el emprendimiento. El profesor Tony Fang tiene investigaciones relevantes e imparte seminarios similares en distintas partes del mundo, por lo que dará a los alumnos una visión global sobre la cultura y la innovación para emprender.
Ponente: Prof Tony Fang, Professor of Business Administration at Stockholm Business School of Stockholm University, Sweden.
Breve historial:
Professor Fang conducts research on culture in globalization, cross-cultural management, intercultural leadership, intercultural communication, Nordic culture and management style, Chinese business, and political science, etc. He is the author of the books Chinese Business Negotiating Style (Thousand Oaks: SAGE) and Att göra affärer i dagens Kina (Stockholm: SNS) as well as a number of influential works in cross-cultural management such as “Yin Yang: A new perspective on culture”, “From ‘Onion’ to ‘Ocean’ ”, and “A critique of Hofstede’s fifth national culture dimension”. Professor Fang received his PhD in Industrial Marketing in Sweden (1999, Linköping University, Sweden) and his MSc and BSc in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (1987 and 1984, respectively). He was Visiting Scholar in the Department of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT; Host professor Lucian W. Pye, 1998). Prior to becoming an academic, Tony Fang worked for both Chinese (1987-1991) and Scandinavian (1993-1995) shipping companies. He also worked as a seaman onboard large multipurpose cargo container vessel sailing from China to Europe and vice versa.
Referencias básicas del Seminario:
Chimenson, D., & Fang, T. (2016). Understanding China through understanding Volvo Cars: the case of Volvo Cars in Swedish media-a research note. China Media Research, 12(4), 68-75.
Fang, T. (2012). Yin Yang: A new perspective on culture. Management and organization Review, 8(1), 25-50.
Fang, T., & Chimenson, D. (2017). The internationalization of Chinese firms and negative media coverage: The case of Geely's acquisition of Volvo Cars. Thunderbird International Business Review, 59(4), 483-502.
Fang, T., Schaumburg, J., & Fjellström, D. (2017). International business negotiations in Brazil. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32(4), 591-605.
Fang, T., Tung, R. L., Berg, L., & Nematshahi, N. (2017). Parachuting internationalization: a study of four Scandinavian firms entering China. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 24(4), 554-589.
Pfajfar, G., Uhan, M., Fang, T., & Redek, T. (2016). Slovenian business culture–How proverbs shape dynamic leadership styles. Journal of East European Management Studies, 433-457.
El profesor responsable es el Dr. Antonio Padilla-Meléndez, Catedrático de Organización de Empresas de la Universidad de Málaga.