Visita Profesora Chaumtoli Huq

Con motivo de la visita de la Profesora Chaumtoli Huq de la Cuny School of Law (New York) (http:// el pasado día 5 de febrero tuvo lugar un encuentro académico del profesorado de la Facultad de Estudios Sociales y del Trabajo y parte del equipo decanal, para poder analizar vías de colaboración futuras entre nuestra instituciones. La profesora se encuentra en la Universidad de Málaga como visitante Fulbright durante el curso 2022/2023 (Chaumtoli Huq. Profesora visitante Fulbright 2022/2023 - YouTube)
Curriculum Vitae
Chaumtoli Huq is an Associate Professor of Law at CUNY School of Law and the founder/Editor of an innovative law and media non-profit focused called Law@theMargins ( Huq has devoted her entire professional career to public service focusing on issues impacting low-income New Yorkers, workers in Bangladesh, and human rights issue related to South Asia.
Huq’s recent scholarship include: Charting Global Economic Inequalities and Emancipatory Human Rights Responses from the Ground Up on tea workers in Bangladesh, Women’s Empowerment in the Bangladesh Garment Industry, Opportunities and Limitations of the Accord: Need for a Worker Organizing Model in an edited volume titled, Labor, Global Supply Chains and the Garment Industry in South Asia; author of, The War on Terror on Muslim Women and Girls: Forging Transformative Solidarities (Scholar and Feminist Online). She has produced a documentaries on her work in Bangladesh called Sramik Awaaz: Workers Voices, and has created a digital archive of her work on tea workers in Bangladesh called Chai Justice ( Along with holding leadership roles at Legal Services of NYC and MFY Legal Services and appointed General Counsel for Litigation for the New York City Office of the Public Advocate, she also served as Director of the first South Asian Workers’ Rights Project at the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, as a Skadden Fellow, and as the first staff attorney to the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, a multi-ethnic, immigrant and worker led labor organization. In 2019, she was awarded the Access to Justice Leadership Award by the South Asian Bar Association of New York, and in 2020 was the Daynard Public Interest Visiting Fellowship awarded to nationally recognized public interest leaders. She has twice been invited as a keynote speaker at the Princeton Prize in Racial Relations Symposium in 2016 and 2017. She regularly conducts trainings on diversity, equity and inclusion for legal professionals and judges. She is an advisory member of Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission and Board member Catholic Migration Services, provides legal services to immigrants in Brooklyn and Queens.
You can follow her on twitter @profhuq and follow Law@theMargins work at @lawatmargins