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  • 6th International Week - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
    Feb. 25, 2021

    The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca is pleased to announce its 6th edition of the International Week. This year’s edition will be held online, during 17th – 21st of May 2021.

  • UPEC 2nd staff week
    Feb. 25, 2021

    UPEC will be hosting its 2nd Staff Week from June 7-11, 2021.

  • Cologne Summer School on Opinion Forming Processes in Digital Democracies with new hybrid format and extended deadline
    Feb. 25, 2021

    They designed a hybrid format that allows students to decide whether they wish to apply for their participation in person or online. We assume that it will be easier for European students to plan an onsite stay in Cologne but also non-European students are welcome.

  • EM Strasbourg Business School
    Feb. 25, 2021

    Visiting Professorship Program 21/22

  • ASTONRail
    Feb. 24, 2021

    “Advanced approacheS and practices for rail training and education TO innovate Rail study programmes & Improve rail higher education provision”

  • Publicadas listas de adjudicación de destinos provisionales 2021/2022 (Segunda Fase)
    Feb. 19, 2021

    Los/as interesados/as deberán obligatoriamente presentar en el plazo de cinco días naturales (20 al 24 de febrero) desde el día siguiente de la publicación de los listados, una aceptación, renuncia o reserva de plaza, a través de esta plataformas.

  • Abierta convocatoria de Becas Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy
    Feb. 18, 2021

    La Universidad ADA (Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy) ante el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de la República de Azerbaiyán... 

  • Summer Course, The Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt
    Feb. 18, 2021

    The Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, conducts the 22nd Summer Course "The European System of Human Rights Protection", 30 August - 10 September 2021, at the Faculty of Law. The Summer Course is offered online.

  • Online Summer School Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
    Feb. 18, 2021

    Current developments on financial crime,corruption and money laundering: European and international perspectives, 5-10 July 2021.

  • Convocatoria Erasmus+ para estudiantes UMA de Posgrado
    Feb. 17, 2021

    Nueva convocatoria dirigida a estudiantes de la Universidad de Málaga de posgrado, "Máster y Doctorado".

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