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  • El congreso de Arquitectura moderna DOCOMOMO arranca hoy con talleres didácticos
    Nov. 1, 2013

    A partir del miércoles, prestigiosos expertos en Arquitectura se dan cita en la UMA

  • Visita de empresarios a laboratorios tecnológicos de la UMA
    Oct. 31, 2013

    Esta segunda edición de las visitas se ha centrado en el taller de mecanizado y el laboratorio de robótica y automática

  • Los actos de San Lucas cierran el 40 aniversario de la Facultad de Medicina de la UMA
    Oct. 31, 2013

    El Colegio Oficial de Médicos recibe la Medalla de Honor del centro

  • Twelve Korean artists display work at Central Gallery
    Oct. 31, 2013

    "Next stop: Gangnam Yeok," will be on display until November 22nd

  • International security and defence, key issues in conference on law
    Oct. 29, 2013

    The Common Security Policy between EU and Africa represents the key topic of the conference

  • School of Architecture holds the VIII IBERIAN DOCOMOMO Conference
    Oct. 29, 2013

    The conference entitled "Modern Movement and Education in Architecture" will take place at the end of November

  • Ainhoa Urquía Asensio wins VI Korean Literature Essay Award
    Oct. 28, 2013

    "Atrófica" ("Atrophic"), the winning essay, analyses Chun Eun Young's "Soom"

  • New IT infrastructure for SCBI, a national reference point for researchers
    Oct. 28, 2013

    HP has optimized its hardware and software to speed up the processing of data

  • Samsung Iberia communicative path at School of Business and Managament
    Oct. 26, 2013

    Francisco Hortiguela, the company's Marketing Director, delivers the inaugural lecture for the Master's in Business Marketing

  • Marcelo Berthier granted Ineco Award for his contribution to the Neurosciences
    Oct. 25, 2013

    The awards ceremony will take place next Tuesday in Buenos Aires at an international symposium on advances in brain recovery

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