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  • Architecture initiates the academic year reflecting on Málaga's historical centre
    Sept. 23, 2013

    The III International Workshop on New Subjects in Contemporary Architecture will run until Friday

  • UMA's Higher Technical School of Computer Science Engineering will hold Málaga Worldcamp in October
    Sept. 20, 2013

    This conference, to take place on the 26th and 27th, focuses on the content management system Word Press

  • Launching of activities under UMA's Chair in Business Viability
    Sept. 20, 2013

    Upcoming actions include internships, sponsorships or sessions

  • Outstanding students from the School of Economics receive PhD and Bachelor's Degree Awards
    Sept. 19, 2013

    The activity report corresponding to the academic year 2011-2012 of the School is presented

  • Experts on prehistoric sites present their work carried out at the district of Guadalteba
    Sept. 18, 2013

    This event, held at the Rectorate, also paid tribute to Málaga's archaeologist Miguel Such

  • Nearly 300 out of 1.762 university entrance examinees sit September exam to raise grade
    Sept. 16, 2013

    Exams will be held in seven different venues at Teatinos Campus until Thursday

  • City Council pays tribute to UMA's 40th anniversary
    Sept. 16, 2013

    An exhibit displaying pictures, initial proceedings and funding puts an end to the institution's commemorative events

  • Gradual beginning of classes at UMA Schools
    Sept. 16, 2013

    Starting dates are scheduled between September 23rd and October 7th

  • II Science Fiction Stories awards ceremony
    Sept. 13, 2013

    Over 40 narratives, of the same level of high quality as last year, have competed for the award

  • "Náufragos Estelares" wins first place in VIII Baños del Carmen Short Film Festival
    Sept. 13, 2013

    The University of Málaga's Office of the Vice-President for University Extension takes part in organizing the event

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