June 27, 2013
The main goal is to carry out joint dissemination, training and cultural activities
June 26, 2013
The main goal is to encourage University-Enterprise cooperation
June 25, 2013
The winning project encourages the use of LED lamps to avoid visual distraction and improve ability to concentrate
June 24, 2013
This Friday UMA and the University of Valencia will dispute their place in the finals
June 24, 2013
This international network is the first attempt to face digital world challenges related to art and culture
June 24, 2013
The documentary has raised more than the estimaed 10.000 euros for production
June 21, 2013
These include Antonio Bonet, Javier Aracil, Armand y Michele Mattelart (ex aequo) and Julio Ruiz
June 21, 2013
The event will be held at Picasso's Musseum-Birth House in collaboration with over 20 international experts
June 21, 2013
This event has been organised by the European Observatory on Gerontomigration
June 21, 2013
Paul Sabitier University (France), with two games won, represents the last obstacle to compete for the medals