Job Offer (Marie Curie)

RADSAGA is looking for electronic engineers with a background in radiation effects and physicists with knowledge in electronics, radiation effects or semiconductors
RADSAGA is an EuropeanTraining Network coordinated by CERN in Switzerland, dealing with radiation tolerant electronic systems. RADSAGA is looking for electronic engineers with a background in radiation effects and physicists with knowledge in electronics, radiation effects or semiconductors.
RADSAGA offers an employment contract for 36 months as well as an additional allowance to cover training activities, conference attendance, etc. in accordance with the European Commission's allowance for International Training Networks (ITNs). The network includes prestigious universities with top research groups on radiation effects to electronics, companies working in state-of-the-art solutions for high-end electronics in harsh radiation environments, as well as a broad variety of radiation test facilities.
The PhD subjects range from emerging challenges associated to the dosimetry and qualification approaches to actual characterization and hardening techniques, both at a component and system level. The work will investigate electronics for wireless sensor networks in these harsh environments.
The application period will close on April 3rd.
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