Seminario práctico “Gender and Entrepreneurship”

Fechas: 19 y 20 de abril de 2017.
Horario: 9 a 11 horas. Aula 2.16.
Profesora invitada: Sally Jones. Reader in Entrepreneurship and Gender Studies at The Manchester Metropolitan University.
Asignatura: Creación de Empresas (autorizada a impartirse en inglés)
Centro: Facultad de Estudios Sociales y del Trabajo
Financia: Ayudas para la innovación en la docencia de asignaturas de creación de empresas incluidas en los planes de estudio de titulaciones oficiales de grado y posgrado de la Universidad de Málaga. Vicerrectorado de Innovación Social y Emprendimiento.
Asistencia libre, hasta completar aforo.
The sessions will consider how approaches to enterprise and entrepreneurship policy, theory and practice may be influenced by socially constructed notions linked to gender. Over the past decade there has been an increasing engagement with these debates and how they might inform notions around business success and career choices for individuals, groups, organizations and society.
The sessions will help students to analyze, explore and identify the impact of gender on models of business ownership, including the sometimes controversial facts and fictions presented in the media, in policy and in everyday societal attitudes to enterprise and entrepreneurship.
It is designed to be accessible for all, regardless of subject discipline and will encourage students to engage with, and learn from, gender and entrepreneurship theory and practices. In addition, students will develop skills through analyzing and reflecting on, gendered entrepreneurial practices and contemporary, international debates.
Teaching will be based around a mix of lecture-style presentations and group activities/discussions using case studies, newspaper articles and other resources to stimulate discussion and reflection.
CV breve de la Profesora Sally Jones
Visiting scholar at Aarhus University’s School of Business and Social Sciences in Denmark
Co-chair of ISBE’s Gender and Enterprise Network Special Interest Group
External Examiner for Manchester Business School
Academic Adviser to the Women’s Enterprise Policy Group (WEPG)
SFEDI steering group member on professional standards for enterprise educators
Member of International Journal of Entrepreneurship Behaviour and Research (IJEBR) Review Panel
Reviewer for International Small Business Journal (ISBJ), (IJEBR) and International Journal for Gender and Entrepreneurship (IJGE).
Academic Biography
Academic and professional qualifications
PhD in Education and Professional Training, Leeds Metropolitan University
MSc in Multimedia and Education, University of Huddersfield
PGCE (Post-Compulsory Education and Training), University of Huddersfield
BA (Hons) Humanities (Drama and English), University of Huddersfield
Refereed journal articles
Farny, SH. Frederiksen, M. Hannibal, S. Jones (2016). A CULTure of entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 28(7-8), pp.514-535.
Jones (2015). “You would expect the successful person to be the man”. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 7(3), pp.303-320.
Bamiatzi, S. Jones, S. Mitchelmore, K. Nikolopoulos (2015). The Role of Competencies in Shaping the Leadership Style of Female Entrepreneurs: The Case of North West of England, Yorkshire, and North Wales. Journal of Small Business Management. 53(3), pp.627-644.
Jones (2014). Gendered discourses of entrepreneurship in UK higher education: The fictive entrepreneur and the fictive student. International Small Business Journal. 32(3), pp.237-258.
Jones, L. Treanor (2011). New directions in womens entrepreneurship research. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 3(2),
Jones (2010). Working With Words: A Bourdieuian Approach to Researching HE Enterprise Education and Gender. Methodology: Innovative Approaches to Research. pp.8-10.
Jones (2010). Stuck in Neutral? HE Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Education (HEee) and Gender Assessment. Learning and Teaching Journal. 8, pp.42-44.
Jones (2009). The Historical Gendering of Entrepreneurship: A Graduate Enterprise Perspective. MBA Review. pp.17-20.